Always, this world rejects me
I'm taking me apart every day
Everything falls apart

Always, this world spoils me
I don’t have a means to anything
I'm crawling on the ground

Hate all
I can hear nothing
I cannot feel anything
I tried too hard
but everything make me fall

And I'm arrested soon
I'm motherfucker
I don't know what to do
I am fed up with this place

Hate all
This is the fucking asshole
I wanna just fuck it all
Feel like a fucking asshole
I wanna just fuck it all

I'll fade away
I can't turn back any more
Sometimes I think
If I can meet you again
What should I say ?
I never say good bye
but now It's too late

Hate all
This is the fucking asshole
I wanna just fuck it all
Feel like a fucking asshole
This is the great fucking world

This is the fucking asshole

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