word: Jeremy Quartus・Ryo Mastubara music: Jeremy Quartus・Kent.Aro
『Guess Who?』収録
She walks around the town
そこらじゅうに love
People smiling back at her
徐々に peace へ
It's a happy thing oh yes
She's a pretty girl
Let them be curious
Say no more no more broken heart
っていいながら smile
無邪気な style
浮かべた sunshine みたいな
smile で living life
(You'll always make me feel best even when I'm blue)
その笑みで put back everyone's smiles all day everyday
(You'll always, you'll always make me smile)
そんなおとぎ話みたいな story
No way でも beautiful I got a feeling
(Make me smile)
I'm not the only one
Let joy spread around
It goes around so bright
雨のち rainbow のbridge かけて smile
まるで魔法のように一瞬で sunny day
See the smiling faces everywhere
When she's walking around
like a party going on
So sprinkle, sprinkle that smile
Don't let me fall still rise
Don't let me fall still rise
浮かべた sunshine みたいな
smile で living life
(You'll always make me feel best even when I'm blue)
その笑みで put back everyone's smiles all day everyday
(You'll always, you'll always make me smile)
そんなおとぎ話みたいな story
No way でも beautiful I got a feeling
(Make me smile)
I'm not the only one
Let joy spread around
It goes around so bright
Go change the world with one touch
Deep down in their heart with one touch
I give up I think I'm in over my head
Your smile makes me wonder what I've been up to
Well... not bad it's so fun
浮かべた sunshine みたいな
smile で living life
(You'll always make me feel best even when I'm blue)
その笑みで put back everyone's smiles all day everyday
(You'll always, you'll always make me smile)
そんなおとぎ話みたいな story
No way でも beautiful I got a feeling
(Make me smile)
I'm not the only one
Let joy spread around
It goes around so bright
(Make me smile)
Let joy spread around
Let joy spread around
もっと show me そのpure な your smile
(Make me smile)
Let joy spread around
Let joy spread around
It goes around so bright
Guess Who?へのコメント
Nulbarich 歌詞一覧を見る
『Guess Who?』 収録楽曲一覧を見る
Nulbarich アルバム一覧を見る
- Lost Game /『2ND GALAXY』
- Rock Me Now /『2ND GALAXY』
- Get Ready /『2ND GALAXY』
- Kiss Me /『2ND GALAXY』
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