When my heart bleeds I suffer from greed
螺旋状に堕ちてゆく 既に運命 支配下か
When my heart bleeds I suffer from greed
渇き飢えた身体 溢れ出す欲望
I'm down and out
Everything, It's getting closer to the end
Everything, It's getting closer to the end
Everything, It's getting closer to the end
声を無くし 消えた世界
震えだした My insanity
差し伸べられた 微かな光
手を伸ばせば Breaks from the inside
When my heart bleeds I suffer from greed
愛への冒涜さえも 恐れぬこの魂
When my heart bleeds I suffer from greed
破壊されてゆく程 暴れだす細胞 I'm down and out
Everything, It's getting closer to the end
Everything, It's getting closer to the end
Everything, It's getting closer to the end
声を無くし 消えた世界
目醒めるのは My insanity
確かな物は 何も無かった
Let me out My soul breaks from the inside
Someone, take me out far away
I'm more frightened everyday
Please tell me what is taking place
I am off again in my world
Forever lost in time
I'm unprotected
It's getting closer to the end
Everything, It's getting closer to the end
Everything, It's getting closer to the end
Everything, It's getting closer to the end
Everything, It's getting over
the Underneath 歌詞一覧を見る
『MOON FLOWER』 収録楽曲一覧を見る
the Underneath アルバム一覧を見る
the Underneath

the Underneathの新着歌詞
- アリア /『us.』
- R.P.G.C-Red Phoenix G Crushers- /『us.』
- A day of a stranger /『us.』
- インソムニア /『us.』

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