What am I looking for
Will I know it tomorrow?
I don't know, I won't know it's never sure
But there's more and more and I know
(It could be)
One thread has attached on
Some things that you'll never believe
That thread has attached on you
One thread has attached on you
Who am I looking for
Will I know it tomorrow?
I want to know, I will know, its there for sure
I see more and more and I know
(It could be)
One thread has attached on
Some things that you'll never believe
That thread has attached on you
(It could be)
One thread has attached on
Something's that you'll never believe
That thread will wake you from a fool
That thread needs a needle
One thread through the needle
That thread needs a needle
You thread and mine
One thread will wake you...
One thread has attached on
Some things that you'll never believe
That thread has attached on you
(It could be)
One thread has attached on
Something's that you'll never believe
That thread will wake you from a fool
That thread will wake you from a fool
I'm just waking up
One thread has attached on
Something's that you'll never believe
That thread will wake you from a fool
That thread needs a needle
One thread through the needle
That thread needs a needle
You thread and mine
The BONEZ 歌詞一覧を見る
『Astronaut』 収録楽曲一覧を見る
The BONEZ アルバム一覧を見る

The BONEZの新着歌詞
- See you again /『WOKE』
- Anthem /『WOKE』
- Nice to meet you /『WOKE』
- Code name /『WOKE』

ROCK LYRICをフォローする!
フォローすることでROCK LYRICの最新情報を受け取ることが出来ます。