This is the life that you've insisted from the start
It's filled with colors and sets fire to your heart
On and on you'll persist to carry on

Don't let the words elude the way and what you are
They'll mend your thoughts and
preach what can and can't be done
Don't forget we all breathe under the sun
Open up your eyes

We all breathe in different ways each moment at a time
We all seek that one whole truth that sets us back in line

This is the chance to seek what you wanted
This is the chance to see what you wanted
Believe it's real
This life you feel
Keep moving on cause
This is all I've got?

If you really want to seek the heart that guldes you
Take a chance with your life and
believe your calling tonight
This is the path to your future

If they claim that you're wrong
don't forget you belong
to the thoughts that dream and seek of what you need
So say that you can believe
that this is the path to your future

Forget the noise that will distract your train of thoughts
Your fighting for the time that can't and won't be bought
On and on the time ticks under the clock

Don't you pretend that everything in life is grand
Cause when it falls, it all comes down to how you stand
On and on just persist to carry on

Each step I take all the mistakes
I make or made to turn the pages
This is the life that I'll decide
Tonight this chance is all I got now

This time it's clear to me
This chance is all I need

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