let's talk about music
don't talk about you
I'm talking about music
nobody say anything

let's talk about music
don't talk about you
I'm talking about music
nobody loves me

you should admit your mistakes
he's not just anybody
you think like a genius
but I don't know what you want

listen to punk
and open your mind
see the new world
maybe everything's gonna be alright

let's talk about music
don't talk about you
I'm talking about music
nobody say anything

let's talk about music
don't talk about you
I'm talking about music
nobody loves me

so she tells a lie
anyone can make mistakes
I laughed out loud
'cause I don't understand

listen to pops
and close your mind
see the new world
maybe everything's gonna be alright

let's talk about music
don't talk about you
I'm talking about music
nobody say anything

let's talk about music
I'm talking about music

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