The possibility of briars seen at the end of a violent collapse.
All for the sake of leading you to ideal paradise.
Wave the banner of rebellion with your hands.
Break down the walls that stand in front of you with your self.

Result:調和を崩した Discord:劇薬の拒絶反応

Cowards prefer to herd and plotting in the deep dark.
Chasing the ghosts of the past while running from the truth.
Their dogmatic cries are never rewarded.
The worst ending is what they wanted after all.

Result:融合拒否した Discord:新種の破壊細胞
Result:全てを喰らって Discord:未来を創造してしまう

猛毒を飲み込んだ君は のたうち回るか 覚醒するのか

A coward will put others through hell as well as himself.
Believe that others are always the cause of misery.
They end up selling their souls to Ammon.
And then you realize you can’t take it back anymore.

Result:亡者の群れは Discord:行き先見失って
Result:身体奪われ Discord:骨は土に還っていく

残酷に幕開ける 闇が裂けて剥がれるファンファーレ
禁断を受け入れた君は 気がふれてしまうのか 超越するのか
「Discord by rejection, Destruction creates the new world you desire.」
狂おしく泣き叫ぶ 互いに引き寄せ合う慟哭 罪を背負う覚悟を決めた二人は出会えるのか
まだ生かされるか 裁きにあうのか

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