I am in under control of you
I am thinking about only one thing
Can't wash this stain away
That is growing bigger
I am under the control of anger

I can feel your soul that is dead and gone
I can feel your unbalanced mind

I don't know who you are

I'm always watching your actions
( I am always inside of you )
I'm always watching for a chance
( I am always inside of you )

I sold my soul a long time ago
I am thinking about only one scene
My head is filled with anger
It's gonna eat me up now
Nothing can stop me
Don't get in the way

I can feel your soul that is dead and gone
I can feel your unbalanced mind

I don't know how you feel
Your voice hurts my feelings
I don't know who you are
Your words hurts my feelings

( Nobody drive me away )

You control me
I control you
I am yourself

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