Time passes before me.
I am stirred by the changing seasons.
How long will I stay this course?
Countless people pass me by.
All will clange, progression of the era.
I will never retreat, I move into the great beyond.
No regret, you have only one life.
I'm born, my will shall be done, my will be done.
I want to fight my greed, until I die.
My story has no end.
I'll upend you from two outs, the bottom of the 9th inning.
I will never retreat, I move into the great beyond.
I want to fight my greed, until die.
My story has no end.
I will walk until my legs are broken.
With truth test the world, with truth test yourself.
No end, No turning back.
Trust your will. You will awaken.
Into the great beyond.
If you journey through life, you will find your own way.

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リメイク後のINTO THE GREAT BEYONDしか聴いてないけどRYOがKentaroをリスペクトしてるのが伝わってきて最高だね……


