I think watching TV all the time
What do you think that?
That's mind control
TV that drips and throws information
The mind is not touched to crap quiz show
How do you get the event it the box by you
Star of made predenter,
The are singing love song and jeers us
The party lead on information
Someone is laughing loudly somewhere

The chanel is changed,
The world change
Who is operation crazy world?
I don't care
News doesn't teach the truth

I think watching TV all the time
What do you think that?
That's mind control
The line of drama seen yesterday
Is that has been heard somewhere
Who will be impressed by the similar story
The hypocrite to said the real intention disappears from the screan
The world even not
Poissoned doesn't stick in
Whose mind
The chanel is changed,
The world change
Who is operation crazy world?
I don't care
News doesn't teach the truth

TV show of midnight
Think by yourself
Hey look
Screen of black blizzard

The chanel is changed,
The world change
Who is operation this crazy world?
I don't care
News doesn't teach the truth

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