Hey guys, listen to me
Hey, listen well

In this world
There is justice and evil in this world
There are bad and good people
There are rich and poor people
The world is unfair
The world is a lie
It's all so complicated its makin me sleepy

Talkin about the money
Some people say you can buy anything with money
Even the whole world
Man isn't worth shit
Man is a hypocrite

The world is a lier
The world is unfair

Do you know about all the shit
In this world?
Some people cant even eat rice
But some people throw away rice
What the price of life?
The world is a lie
The world is unfair
It's all so complicated its makin me sleepy

Talking about a love story
Some people swear to eternal love
But some people say money can buy love
Man isn't worth shit

The world is a lier
The world is unfair

This is the future, but can you save it?
This is the future
It's fuckin scary
It's been said that someone can redeem the world
What? Man is an imposter

The world is a lier
The world is unfair

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