Lying on the ground. Covered in creepy sound
Hiding in the shadows. Count of crows

I’m looking around. It’s not safe and sound
Just like my body is rotten. It’s worst, I’m lost

I wanna walk, and I wanna get out,
I wanna live.. wanna live

Vanishing into space. There’ no way out this place
There’s no path to peace. Is it too late?

Then I heard the voice. I only have one choice
I’ll roll the dice. It’s not too late

Carry on walking, and fly away,
Carry on living. So breaking away

Lightning and thunder. It’s time to raise a flag
It’s now or never. I’m standing up and fight
I’ll never surrender. Chasing my dream once again
Searching for the sight of the shining light

Lightning and thunder. It’s time to raise a flag
It’s now or never. I’m standing up and fight
Long way and hard way. I’ll find my way
Searching for the sight of the shining light

Lightning and thunder. It’s time to raise a flag
Lightning and thunder. I’m standing up and fight
Lightning and thunder. It’s now or never.
Lightning and thunder.
Searching for the light of in my enemy

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