so one object is love pnulling you clasel it comes from above
that ene object is dove flying across our eyes in the sky
no limit how close and how far in one minute
so many things your able to understand
feeling even has a gravity, the quality of life in humanity
the meaning of this force is strong
hope to see you on the other side among
beautiful but ugly comes along
killing and hatred and the wrest...involved

another object has dropped down to me
clue, sentence yes its all channeling
different colors then comes another
we all brothers fram another mother with gimmicks
that we each have individually
styles and shapes will appear differently and pretty
different faces are now ruling and leading all uver the world
no kidding what we have made to become
who we are today, it'll lead on to a city of numbers
filled with all walkers, so l wonder

I see falling I see falling all the way down
keeps on falling it'll keep falling to the ground
we can't run away from this sound

waiting for miracles to drop inside of me now

what other object will come down for me
waiting for miracles to drop inside of me
I'm ready for the awakening up close and now and its happening
weathers are calling clouds to make a thunder
pints of rain water is our savior
summer is one season it comes after spring, the wild is above
then autumn comes by, it all withers slow but natural, come together
then winter, you'll see snow falling down

I see falling I see falling all the way down
keeps on falling it'll keep falling to the ground
we can't run away, we won't run away from this sound
I see falling I see falling all the way down
keeps on falling it'll keep falling to the ground

 ROCK LYRICをフォローする!

フォローすることでROCK LYRICの最新情報を受け取ることが出来ます。

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   To a person that may save someoneへのコメント

この歌が、今 未来を与えてくれています。本当に出会えて良


