I don't count on you
You will show us nothing
The nation is fake, tainted by the devil's knife

The society is dead
You shut down the lives
Ignoring the voices, they secure self-esteem
This is the truth that you won't care about us
The dying human beings with the untouchable despair

Turn away from the misery
This is the motherfxxking historical genocide
Do you know the weak would kill themselves
This is the motherfxxking historical genocide

Should we stand out
I can’t believe it’s the end
If it’s not the day I die
I’ll try to make it one last time

Talking shit is to pretend to show you the horrible privilege in vain

You hide the truth from us to line your pockets with the brides
You use our lives to fill your face with smile
Who do you think you are
You are just fxxking garbage

Turn away from the misery
This is the motherfxxking historical genocide
Do you know the weak would kill themselves
This is the motherfxxking historical genocide

Should we stand out
I can’t believe it’s the end
If it’s not the day I die
I’ll try to make it one last time

The enemy is in your sight

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